14 czerwiec 2021@15:00 – 16:00
St. Petersburg Rosia
Roscosmos to host GLEX-2021 International Conference @ St. Petersburg Rosia

Roscosmos in cooperation with the International Astronautical Federation, and the assistance of the Government of St. Petersburg, will host the Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX) 2021


The conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin’s flight will be held at the Tauride Palace. The program will include a whole range of events: Youth Day, high-level plenary sessions, the Global Networking Forum, 12 technical sessions on crewed spaceflights, exploration of objects in the Solar System and the Universe, astronomical and astrophysical research, interactive presentations, a specialized exhibition, a Welcome Reception hosted by Roscosmos, a Gala Dinner hosted by St. Petersburg administration, as well as an extensive excursion program. The conference will be attended by representatives of 59 countries, who will present 576 reports. Among them are China, India, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Romania, Czech Republic and others.


GLEX-2021 will be a worthy platform for constructive dialogue. The high-level panel session and events on the sidelines of the conference will be participated by: Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan Rashad Nabiyev, Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education of Spain Pedro Duque, acting Minister of High-tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia Hayk Chobanyan, Minister without portfolio, responsible for innovation and technological development in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Nenad Popovic, as well as CEOs of the Mexican, Malaysian, Israeli, South African, Norwegian, Romanian, Turkish and Polish space agencies.


We invite professionals specializing in various fields of space activities, students and all people who are not indifferent to space to take part in the GLEX-2021 conference! Do not miss the chance to participate in the first international space-related event after a long period of pandemic, border closure and register for the conference until May 31!


The official language of GLEX-2021 is English!


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Natalia Kowalczyk

Redaktork Naczelna Portalu Astronomicznego AstroNET. Studentka pierwszego roku Computer Physics na Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie.