LunAres Special Event is coming
LunAres Research Station is inviting students and researchers to an online webinar organized on 10.02.2022 (Thursday) at 17:00 GMT+1. The event is addressed to students pursuing career in human spaceflight sector, young researchers interested in conducting studies in an adequate, controlled environment and all space enthusiasts. The event is free and will take around 1,5h. The program includes presentation of Analouge Research and tour inside the station, as well as meeting with the previous crew members and researchers discussing their journey with LunAres and what they gained from the project.
LunAres website:


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Natalia Kowalczyk

Redaktor Naczelna Portalu Astronomicznego AstroNET w latach 2022-2024. Studentka drugiego roku Computer Physics na Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie.