13 maj 2021@00:00
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Education
The Search for Exoplanets - Teaching Space With NASA Live Stream @ Online
As we learn more and more about our solar system from NASA’s robotic and human explorers, we can’t help but also seek to understand what lies beyond. Our solar system exists in a sea of countless solar systems across billions of galaxies. While we can’t yet visit these distant worlds with robotic or human-led missions, we are beginning to get a better picture of them thanks to powerful telescopes and remote-sensing techniques that allow us to analyze their chemical signatures and more. Scientists are even discovering worlds that may be very similar to our own.
In this live, educational science talk, astrophysicist Vanessa Bailey will join education specialist Brandon Rodriguez to discuss how we search for and study planets beyond our solar system, called exoplanets, and what we’re hoping to discover.
The presentation will include a live Q&A session and a short discussion for educators on how to bring this exciting science into the classroom with resources from NASA.
Learn more and register to join the Q&A at:


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Tobiasz Wojnar

Student Informatyki na Politechnice Wrocławskiej. Członek Klubu Astronomicznego Almukantarat oraz prezes koła naukowego PWr Aerospace