15 listopad 2021@09:00
Wydarzenie online
ESA - European Space Agency
ESA-ECMWF workshop on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction @ Wydarzenie online
ESA and ECMWF are organising the second joint workshop on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction that will be hosted from 15 to 18 November.
The call for abstracts is currently opened until 28 July. Participants registrations will start in August 2021.
Submit your proposals for one of these areas:
– Enhancing Satellite Observation with Machine Learning
– Hybrid Data Assimilation – Machine Learning Approaches
– Geophysical Forecasting with Machine Learning and Hybrid Models
– Machine Learning for Post-Processing and Dissemination


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Natalia Kowalczyk

Zastępca Redaktor Naczelnej. Redaktor Naczelna Portalu Astronomicznego AstroNET w latach 2022-2024. Studentka drugiego roku Computer Physics na Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie.